
Part 2: No Face and Chihiro Costume Tips (Spirited Away)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Trying to figure out how to make a no face costume that's taller than you?  Or some tips on sewing a Chihiro costume?  Then keep reading :)

In Part I, I made a mask that has an opening at the mouth, so that you can see out from it.  I had to figure out a way to make the height of the mask above the head.  

For the costume: I used 2 large pieces of black fabric and sewed a cylinder shape, making it roomy enough to move around under.  

To attach the mask to the black drape: I decided to use E6000 glue.  I looove this stuff.  It sticks to many surfaces, very strong, and has about 5 minutes to dry.  I was afraid this mask would be too heavy to stay on the fabric.  But with this glue, it stays on tightly.

For the added height: I decided to use a bike helmet, attach layers of styro-foam (enough to match the height to the top of the mask), and a plastic kitchen drainer.  Using lots of duck tape to keep it all together.  (See pictures below for reference)

To attach the black fabric with mask to the actual headgear: I used velcro.  It is so easy to sew it right onto the black fabric and the other half onto the drainer (that is why the holes are helpful).  Make sure it all matches up on the area of the fabric to where the mask will be.  I put a piece of velcro on the back, the top, and 2 sides.  

And its done!

It looks silly, but it worked out pretty well!  It is light materials but it can still become heavy on your head, especially with a mask made of paper clay.  And it is also very hot underneath the costume.  We had to wear it in intervals and take breaks.

We also cut 2 slits in the front of the costume, so we can wear black elbow length gloves and hand out gold coins and chocolate :3 

Side view
Back view

TIP:  I did not want eyes to be visible through the mouth.  To keep it dark but still able to see out, I sewed on a strip of a wig net (can also use fishnet tights).

Chihiro Costume Tips

I've actually never sewn clothes before.  I got my sewing machine last winter, and have only tried making a hood for my Lux costume, using a pattern.  For Chihiro, I thought this costume looked similiar to an oversized T-shirt and long shorts.  There is also a lot of White peeking from underneath, So I wore a large White T-shirt under my costume for this.  I bought 2.5 (i suggest getting 3) yards of salmon pink fabric (this was closest I could find at Joann). 

Shirt: With the fabric folded in half, use chalk and outline the shape of a T-shirt and add several inches to the bottom to make it longer like Chihiro.  When sewing the 2 pieces together, you only need to sew about an inch on both sides under the arm, because the front and back piece is held down by the burgundy waist tie and you should have white peeking through the opening on your left and right side.  Sew the seams on the rest of your costume, except the neck and arm holes.

Pants:  I took a small men's swim trunk and outlined the left and right sides of the trunks.  You can use any baggy type of pants.  Make sure you mark out the crotch area correctly.  You should have 4 pieces.  Sew both legs, and then match it up and sew up the middle crotch area.  From the picture it looks like white peeks through the pants on both sides too.  To achieve this, I decided to add white pockets.  That way I was able to carry my wallet and phone during conventions.  Since Chihiro's pants look more scrunched up and poofy when she wears it, I decided to add an elastic band to the bottom of the pants the next time I wore it.

Neckline:  fold a strip of fabric in half to sew onto the neckline,  you will have to cut a slit in the back to be able to put your head through.  You can use a pin or make a button for closure. 

Sleeves:  I actually ran out of fabric so my sleeves opening weren't big enough to match up to the sleeves opening on the shirt.  But the sleeves are actually only sewn halfway, to let the white peek through so it was not a big problem.  When you wear the shirt, you can add some pins under the arm of the sleeves to make it scrunch up more like Chihiro.

Misc:  Make a burgundy color waist tie and also make or get a really long white sash (I had a lot of old white fabric so I sewed mine).  This is to be wrapped around your shoulders to your armpit and tied into a bow in the middle of your back. 

::Thanks for reading::

Shoulder to Hem: 29"

Waist to Bottom: 26"


My StoreEnvy is now open!  I sell handmade No Face Masks and other costumes and accessories.  More items will be continually added.  Like my Facebook Page and leave a message to request a 10% discount code to use in my store!

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  1. Omg this is amazing! Thank you so much for posting this, I've been trying to figure out how to make Chihiro's costume for a while but I was over-complicating it. You two look amazing!

    1. Thank you! :D Yup, the costume is actually very simple when you think about it in parts. Good luck!^^

  2. did you use two pieces of fabric to make one costume, or two pieces of fabric to make two pieces of one costume? I'm trying to figure out how to make a two-piece costume but make it look natural at the same time. (the bottom part of the costume is equivalent to a long skirt, but idk how to make the top look good at the same time)

    1. For no face? I made it as one piece. 2 rectangle shape fabric, front and back, and sewed a long body length tube shape.
      I've seen it done as 2 pieces before, if you have the bottom as a skirt, maybe make the mask and top in proportion so the fabric drapes down smoother.

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  4. Thank you so much for this!! I can barely sew a straight seam without guidance, so this is super helpful. It was this or a random one off a sketchy website XD Quick question though, what did you do for shoes since Sen wears no shoes in this outfit mostly?

    1. You're welcome! This was one of my first sewing projects, so I made it as basic as I could :) I didn't want to go without shoes, so I wore flip flops back then. But if I wear this again, I would wear with the zori (japanese) sandals that I have now, bought a pair off ebay for $15.

  5. Love this tutorial- and currently trying to make my own No-Face now!

    What was the size of those pieces of black fabric. I've seen some people say they used bedsheets but never say a size or anything! Would two queen sized bed sheets work for size, then just cut down?

  6. Hi! sorry for the late reply. I buy black cotton fabric (it can be as cheap as $2.50/yd at walmart) the original width of the fabric is 44" which is perfect. For the length it depends on your height. This mask goes 8" above the head so I would say add 10" to your height, double it (front and back of fabric) and that is how much fabric you will need.

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